Monday, August 6, 2012

Day 3 - 8

Day 3 + 4
In an effort at work/play balance, I decided to ride my bike today and went to my writing group yesterday for a shared lunch.  I did leave an email message with the property managers to which they are studiously ignoring.

Two can play at that game.

Also got a call from Kate Fraser of The Christchurch Press Zest fame, who said she would be using my 450 word article on “How to get someone else to Clean your Oven”  in the near future.   So many irons  in the fire.  


Day 5 + 6
It is too soon to be working weekends and goes against my aforementioned philosophy.

Day 7
 I should be able to multi task today whilst answering phones at our family business when the ‘boss’ is out of the room.  He gets a bit touchy about non-industry related conversations/emails.  I’ve got one phrase to say to him....”Big Picture!”.

Day 8
Am ready for action now.  Everyone else better be too.  Actually spoke too soon.  Only managed a phone call to letting agent and current head tenant.

But did manage to sprint around the entire perimeter of Hagley Park, bike to work for a management meeting at 11am and stop at fish shop and Chinese supermarket on way home, take the dog to the vet to buy pheromone spray, buy weekly groceries and cook from scratch muesli, stewed apple berry and rhubarb topping for aforementioned muesli,  bake ANZAC biscuits for the tins and cook baked salmon and a tofu dish for tea.

I wonder if real real estate agents are this productive.

 Meeting with tenant  booked for Day 10 at 2 pm.