Sunday, May 29, 2011

Why I go to work…

The reason I go to work is to save money. Whilst at work I can Google household problems like, “why does my washing machine flash F18 error” and find the correct answer describing it as a drainage problem and how to fix it. As well as saving time and money, I didn’t have to: A. hunt out the warranty and instruction book which has probably be tossed out long ago or B. get back the infuriating repairman who’s inane chatter threatened to render me in need of psychiatric treatment (not a cheap option I imagine).

This option also leaves me free to roam the city as opposed to stapled to the address laying in wait for the promised arrival of the aforementioned tradesman.

I am euphoric at the thought of DIY tradesmanning which teamed with the school of Girls Can Do Anything thought has my chest at full expansion with pride.

Also, in another bid to strengthen the family coffers, I have unselfishly replaced the broken salt and pepper grinders that seem to last as long as the corns and rocks inside them, on the Flybuys site redeeming points willy nilly.

Finally, a well instructed email on how to cook “Chinese Style Veges” was sent to ‘second in line to the throne’ by email and text in order to have a meal at the ready on my return from a hard days work.

A few job sheets, deliveries and the odd answering of a phone call took place too.

Production is at an all time high….

Sunday, May 22, 2011


I have been flogging this recipe a lot lately so have decided to share.....

Baked Asian Fish
1 kg Groper fillet
¼ C T julienned fresh ginger
2 cloves garlic chopped finely
1 red chilli finely chopped
3T Kikkoman soy sauce
1T sesame oil
4T canola oil
2 T Chopped finely coriander or spring onions

Lay clean and dried fish flat in baking dish.

Brown garlic/ginger/chilli in canola oil slowly till golden then take off heat and add sesame oil/Kikkoman and coriander or spring onion.

Pour sauce evenly over fish then cover dish with tin foil and bake at 200 degrees Celcius for 20 minutes. Check after 20 mins that fish flakes when prodded with a fork.

Serve on cooked rice with stir fried bok choy or any leafy vege.

Sunday, May 8, 2011


I am willing to pay my children to read this book. $50 should do the trick.

As with most motivational books, this one gives you ideas and intention but is not to be used as an instruction guide. I like his quote “Nothing changes if nothing changes.” He suggests writing this on your mirror or hang it up somewhere. I for one need visual reminders.

The crux is you can have anything you want if you have the right attitude and don’t deviate from your ultimate goal if you want it enough.

Having returned from the big cruise around the Med, my attitude took a deep post trip dive and needed ‘tweaking.’ After spending a good week licking my anti-climatic wounds, I then perked up again with the help of this book.

Be anything you want to be…..